Cascinette d’Ivrea lies at the foot of the Serra, an integral part of the grandiose morainic amphitheatre of Canavese surrounded by hills rich in vegetation; its strong point is the small but suggestive Lake Campagna, a destination for fishermen and proximity tourism, equipped with a welcoming area.

Although it does not count centuries of glory, Cascinette participated in the alternating fortunes of Ivrea and Chiaverano; it appears in documents around 1600.
The origin of the name Cascinette can easily be traced back to the numerous farmsteads and thatched farms called bents built by the inhabitants of Chiaverano as a support base for their fields on the plain: over time, these agricultural shelters were transformed into stable country dwellings, the ’cassine nette di campagna, finaggo di Chiaverano’, later called Cascinette di Chiaverano.
Between 1764 and 1770, a chapel dedicated to St Anthony of Padua was built to serve the village, thus formed, which in 1834, remodelled and enlarged, became the current parish church.
Cascinette’s coat of arms shows the bell tower without its church because the latter is located 200 metres away in the plain. The reason for this atypical location is due to the need to build it in a higher position, on Mount Sasso, so that all the townspeople could read the time

It was only in 1925 that Cascinette obtained autonomy from Chiaverano, of which it was a hamlet, and became Cascinette d’Ivrea, thanks also to the tenacity of the priest Don Carlo Farinetti, village teacher for 40 years and parish priest for 25. This is also why the church bell tower appears on the Cascinette coat of arms!

Today, Cascinette d’Ivrea has almost completely lost its original imprint as an agricultural village, assuming that of an urban residential centre located in the suburbs of Ivrea.

Piazza Municipio, 1, 10010 Cascinette d'Ivrea (TO)