Azienda Made in Torino Tour The Excellent
Your "gem" destination in Turin for the most refined and high quality Made in Italy.

Each Mialuis bag is a container of emotions: it adapts to the personality of the wearer, and then changes with it.

During the visit the creative process will be shown, starting from the inspiration for the creation of the bags, which can come from different sources such as art, nature, fashion and popular culture, to the first draft of the forms and models that you want to develop, up to the search for quality and sustainable Italian materials.

Mialuis celebrates the femininity and elegance of modern women in all its forms and in its total uniqueness, counting on the promotion of the territory, people and local materials.
Via Mazzini, 25, 10100 Torino (TO)

45.0547384, 7.6973367

From 01/01/2024 to 31/12/2024

  • Mon
    Open on reservation
  • Tue
    Open on reservation
  • Wed
    Open on reservation
  • Thu
    Open on reservation
  • Fri
    Open on reservation
  • Sat
    Open on reservation
  • Accessibilità alla struttura parziale
  • Visite guidate
    Visite per gruppi su richiesta/Visits for groups on request

    Durata/Duration: 1h 30
    Pax/Participants: min 10/max 15
    Lingua/Language: ITA - EN - FRA
    Età minima/minimum age: 25 anni/years
    Prezzo/Price: € 3,00 a persona incluso diritto di prenotazione/full ticket per person reservation fee included
    Prenotazioni/Booking: madeintorino@turismotorino.org
  • Shop