A delicate kesa, the Buddhist ritual cloak, next to a minimal kimono made of knotted rope; the imposing structure of samurai armour next to videos of the performances Umbrella dance and In the garden;
the nineteenth-century wooden prints in dialogue with photographs depicting kabuki actors: in the MAO’s new Japanese gallery redesign, which brings together works from the permanent collections and works by the Japanese artist Kazuko Miyamoto, different eras and languages coexist, offering distant but collateral points of view on recurring and layered themes and symbols.
Contact info
Via San Domenico, 9-11, 10122, Torino (TO)

45.0746371, 7.6804867

  • € 10,00
    Full price
  • € 8,00
    Reduced price
    compreso tra 18 e 25 anni, maggiore 65 anni, gruppi da 10 a 15 persone
  • Free
    minore 18 anni, giornalisti con tesserino, possessori di Abbonamento Musei, scuole, insegnanti accompagnatori, disabili, soci ICOM, MiC, Accompagnatore disabile previa esibizione documento attestante il diritto all'accompagnatore, guide turistiche abilitate

From 13/12/2023 to 05/05/2024

  • Tue
    10:00 - 18:00
  • Wed
    10:00 - 18:00
  • Thu
    10:00 - 18:00
  • Fri
    10:00 - 18:00
  • Sat
    10:00 - 18:00
  • Sun
    10:00 - 18:00
Cards and tourist objects
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