Chivasso, Canale Cavour e dintorni

Passeggiata in bicicletta per famiglie
Place of departure

10034 Chivasso


Marco Facchinello - cellulare 3477795970 (solo Whatsapp)

Easy historical-naturalistic walk by bicycle for everyone, starting from the Big Bench number 270 of Chivasso in the Sabiunè natural area. Visit to Bricel park and Canale Cavour. Traveling along part of the "Bicivas" cycle path and also of the famous "Via Francigena" we will reach the villages of "Torassi and "Regia Mandria di Chivasso".

Meeting place
Big Bench - Sabiunè natural area - Chivasso
Where the activity takes place
Sabiunè Natural Area, Bricel Park, Canale Cavour and surroundings of Chivasso
Length of activity
Half day (in the morning or in the afternoon) with time and date to be agreed
Booking method
Contact the number +393477795970, Whatapp only, with at least 48 hours notice
Organized by